The Aller-Ohre-Verein invites all interested parties to the Haldensleben Museum on Monday, 10 March 2025 at 19:00. Dr Anja Tuschwitz and Dr Götz Alper…
The equal opportunities officers of the Börde and Helmstedt districts cordially invite you to the event "Women in the revolutionary uprising of…
Börde district presents itself at the Green Week in Berlin from 17 to 26 January - Regional Day on 21 January 2025 as a highlight
To get in the mood for the festive season, the Wolmirstedt/Haldensleben district music school presented an extraordinary concert programme that made…
Gabriele Reuter was a well-known, widely read and one of the most successful German writers of her time. Thomas Mann wrote an essay about her in 1904,…
CITY CYCLING is becoming increasingly popular: in 2024, more than 1,390 people pedalled in the Börde district, which is 780 more cyclists than in the…
From 20 September to 2 October 2024, the Intercultural Week will take place in the Börde district under the motto "New Spaces". This event, an…
From 19 August to 8 September, the district of Börde is once again taking part in the Germany-wide "City Cycling" competition organised by the Climate…
The Börde district is organising its second Family Day on 26 May 2024 from 10.00 to 16.00 in the Hohe Holz on the Hubertus Höhe. There will be plenty…
The "Jugend musiziert" music competition is considered one of the most important for young talents in Germany. In the first round, the regional…
On March 31, the Easter Bunny will be visiting the Haldensleben Museum.
Cultural-historical Easter walk organized by the Aller-Ohre-Verein on Easter Monday at 2:00 pm
A new travelling exhibition aims to encourage women affected by violence to take the courageous step towards a self-determined life.
Gemäß § 26 des Landesjagdgesetzes Sachsen-Anhalt verzichtet die Untere Jagdbehörde im Benehmen mit dem Jagdbeirat auf die Vorlage eines Abschussplans…
The current hunting year ends on March 31, 2024, which means that some hunting licenses will also expire and need to be renewed in good time.
In the Börde district, customers of Kreissparkasse Börde can now use a liveBox for the person-to-person video service.
The Börde district is looking forward to a large crowd at the Elbe-Börde-Heide Regional Day on 23.01.2024.
It's that time again in 2024: From 19.01 to 28.01.2024, the Börde district will be one of almost 1,300 exhibitors at the Grüne Woche in Berlin.
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To the calendar of events of the Börde district
Useful Stuff at a Glance
Personal Contact
Landkreis Börde Bornsche Str. 2 39340 Haldensleben Kronesruhe 8 39340 Haldensleben
Triftstraße 9-10 39387 Oschersleben (Bode) Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 3904 7240 0 Fax: +49 (0) 3904 490 08
Opening Hours
Tue. 8:00 - 12:00 am and 1:00 - 6:00 pm Thu. 8:00 - 12:00 am and 1:00 - 4:00 pm Fri. 8:00 - 11:30 am
Mailing Address
Landkreis Börde Postbox 10 01 53 39331 Haldensleben Germany
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