Vocational Schools
Admission to the Vocational Schools in the Landkreis Börde
It is important to note that every student, regardless of the chosen course of education, must first be registered at the home vocational school. For students in part-time courses (dual training), this is done by the training companies; full-time students register themselves.
- Form for the admission of students from other countries
- Registration form for the vocational school in Haldensleben
- Registration form for the vocational school in Oschersleben
If the desired schooling is not available in the Landkreis Börde, the home vocational school will transfer the student to another vocational school in agreement with the school board. The Landkreis Börde has made agreements with other school authorities about the schooling for selected training occupations in the full-time training as well as in the part-time training courses (dual training) (§ 41 Para. 5 and § 66 School Law of the state of Saxony-Anhalt).
Courses, locations, accommodation/boarding school and contacts
Educational programs in Saxony-Anhalt
The school system in Saxony-Anhalt
The educational programs offered at the vocational schools in the Landkreis Börde can be found on the schools' websites.
Vocational Schools run by the Landkreis Börde

Berufsbildende Schulen Haldensleben des Landkreises Börde
Neuhaldensleber Str. 46 f
39340 Haldensleben
Phone: +49 3904 6684-0
Fax: +49 3904 44088
E-Mail: sekretariat@bbs-haldensleben.de
Internet: www.bbs-haldensleben.de

Berufsbildende Schulen Oschersleben des Landkreises Börde - Europaschule -
Burgbreite 2 39387
Oschersleben (Bode)
Phone: +49 3949 921670
Fax: +49 3949 921680
E-Mail: bbs@europaschule-oschersleben.de
Internet: www.europaschule-oschersleben.de
School under state sponsorship
Landesfachschule für Landwirtschaft Haldensleben
Marienkirchplatz 2
39340 Haldensleben
Phone: +49 3904 4858-0
Fax: +49 3904 4858-12
E-Mail: info@fshdl.de
Independent Schools
Evangelische Fachschule für Soziale Berufe
Phone: +49 39201 30 215
Fax: +49 39201 30 216
E-Mail: fachschule@ bodelschwingh-haus.de
Internet: www.efs-wms.emenue.net
Accommodation and Boarding School
The district runs its own boarding school at the Haldensleben site.
In addition, students have the option of staying in boarding houses and youth hostels. At the Oschersleben site, the vocational schools cooperate with private providers of dormitories.
School development planning
The districts and independent cities draw up school development plans for their area in consultation with the school authorities and the district municipalities, with the involvement of their district parents' and district pupils' councils, the social partners, the business associations and the relevant employment offices, with the aim of ensuring that a differentiated, selectable range of schools is available within regional reach and that they can respond flexibly to demand. The plans identify medium-term and long-term school needs as well as school locations. The school development plans are established by district council or city council resolution. The school development plans are subject to approval by the school board. The school development plans are to be reviewed and updated every five years. more