Road passenger and freight transport
1. commercial passenger transport in accordance with the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG).
- the carriage of passengers by motor vehicles for remuneration or on business is subject to authorization
- the application for a permit for occasional transport by motor vehicle (PKW/KOM) must be submitted to the road traffic office
- application documents are available in the office
Forms of occasional traffic
- § 47 PBefG traffic and cabs
- § 48 PBefG excursion trips and vacation destination trips
- § 49 PBefG Transport with rental buses and rental cars
Regular services with motor vehicles according to PBefG
- Regular services with motor vehicles and special forms of regular services are subject to authorization
- The application for a permit for regular motor vehicle transport is to be submitted to the Road Traffic Office.
Application documents are available at the authority.
2. commercial road haulage according to the Road Haulage Act (GüKG)
- the transport of goods by motor vehicles is exclusively subject to the provisions of the GüKG and requires a license
- anyone wishing to carry out road haulage on a commercial basis requires a permit.
The application for a permit for road haulage must be submitted to the Road Traffic Office. Application documents can be obtained from the authority.