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Women and children shelter
Women are still and repeatedly affected or threatened by violence in their relationships. Experiences of violence are very complex. Physical, mental, sexual, financial and/or social violence is often endured without seeing a way out. We offer the affected women and their children a protective alternative home and all the help they need to make a new start. We are happy to provide counseling to women who do not wish to be admitted. Our concern is to protect women, children and girls from violence and to accompany them in problematic life situations. There are places available at the Women's and Children's Shelter in Wolmirstedt and short-term admission is possible.
Caritas Regionalverband Magdeburg e.V.
Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus
Postfach 1162
39321 Wolmirstedt
Phone: +49 391 28921060
Emergency phone: +49 175 2763313 (24 hours availability)
E-Mail Mail: frauenhaus-wms@caritas-rvmd.de
Internet: www.caritas-magdeburg-stadt.de
Reachable also via
Polizeirevier Haldensleben
Gerikestr. 68
39340 Haldensleben
Phone: +49 3904 478-0