
Award "Family-friendly company in the district of Börde 2024" starts!

Companies, institutions and public facilities from the district of Börde have until 31 August to apply for this year's "Family-friendly company 2024" award.

The "Family-friendly company in the Börde district" award was presented for the first time in 2023 to employers who are committed to reconciling work, family and care. The organisers of this joint project are the district of Börde and the Börde Job Centre. The award is supported by other cooperation partners, including the Saxony-Anhalt General Employers' Association, the Saxony-Anhalt WelcomeCentre and the Börde Junior Chamber of Commerce.

In view of demographic change and the shortage of skilled labour, family-friendliness has become a key instrument of personnel policy. It is one of the most important salary-independent criteria for the attractiveness of companies and institutions as employers. Companies that position themselves as family-friendly therefore have a clear competitive advantage in the search for qualified specialists.
The patron of the award, District Administrator Martin Stichnoth, is therefore encouraging applications to be submitted by 31 August. "With the award, we are offering companies a good opportunity to communicate their commitment to an improved work-life balance both internally and externally."

Last update: 03.07.2024 15:52 Uhr