Landkreis Börde / die Kreisstraße Hillersleben Richtung Wedringen ist ab sofort nach der Sanierung wieder für die Nutzung durch den öffentlichen Verkehr freigegeben

The closure of the district road 1162, Hillersleben in the direction of Wedringen (Haldensleben), is lifted immediately

Prior to this, District Administrator Martin Stichnoth had performed the symbolic opening of traffic by means of a scissor cut.

“An economically strong district like ours needs a modern and efficient road network,” he says. “My colleagues at the Office of Road Construction and Maintenance and STRABAG as the contractor ensured that the measure could be kept within the time and cost limits. And I am grateful for the understanding of the road users, who had to live with the complete closure and diversion traffic during the construction period since 17 April 2023. ”

For about 1. 8 km a bitumen-venous expansion is carried out on the existing fortification. 4,545 tons of bitumen were used for the supporting layer and 1,750 tons of bitumen for the binder layer. An important aspect for road safety in this section. At 6. 5 m, the new road body is half a metre wider than before. Around 2,500 tons of gravel are installed for the banquets.

Amt für Straßenbau und -unterhaltung


Last update: 08.08.2023 13:55 Uhr