Sekundarschule "Thomas Müntzer" Ausleben
Bauernwinkel 23
39393 Ausleben
Phone: +49 39404 277
Fax: +49 39404 50782
E-Mail: kontakt@sks-ausleben.bildung-lsa.de
Internet: www.sks-ausleben.bildung-lsa.de

Sekundarschule "Brüder Grimm" Calvörde
Phone: +49 39051 317
Fax: +49 39051 98150
E-Mail: kontakt@sks-grimm.bildung-lsa.de
Internet: www.sks-grimm.bildung-lsa.de

Sekundarschule "Albert Niemann" Erxleben
Phone: +49 39052 98249
Fax: +49 39052 98250
E-Mail: kontakt@sks-erxleben.bildung-lsa.de
Internet: www.sks-erxleben.bildung-lsa.de

Sekundarschule "Marie Gerike" Haldensleben
Gerikestr. 26a
39340 Haldensleben
Phone: +49 3904 2308
Fax: +49 3904 710723
E-Mail: kontakt@marie-gerike-schule.bildung-lsa.de
Internet: www.marie-gerike-schule.bildung-lsa.de

Sekundarschule "Werner Seelenbinder " Zielitz
Phone: +49 39208 2054
Fax: +49 39208 24081
E-Mail: sekundarschule-zielitz@t-online.de
Internet: www.ganztagsschule-zielitz.de
Evangelische Sekundarschule
Waldring 111
39340 Haldensleben
Phone: +49 3904 668240
Fax: +49 3904 6682419
E-Mail: info@ev-sekundarschule.de
Internet: www.ev-sekundarschule.de
Freie Sekundarschule Gröningen
educado CAMPUS
Goethepromenade 6
39367 Gröningen
Phone:+49 341 39393810
Fax: +49 341 39393799
E-Mail: sekundarschule-groe@rahn.education
Internet: rahn.education/free-secondary-school-groeningen.html
Information on enrollment in independent secondary schools:
Independent schools work alongside public schools in fulfilling the educational mission within the framework of Article 28 of the State Constitution and Article 7 of the Basic Law. All independent schools have a supra-regional catchment area and also accept pupils from outside the region. School fees must be paid. The child's legal guardian must register the child directly at the desired school. Please inquire about the dates and conditions at the respective school. As a rule, admission interviews are held. For details, please refer to the respective school's homepage. After receiving the notification of admission or non-admission to an independent school, please check that the information in the school career declaration is up to date; an application for change may be necessary. Information can be obtained from the Office for Education and Culture.