
Exhibition "Seeing with many eyes"

Some people are disabled from birth. Some of them even need a mobility aid or are dependent on assistance. Can you imagine being torn from your previous life from one moment to the next and no longer being able to go about your everyday life as usual due to an accident or sudden illness? For most people, this is a shock and a major challenge.


This is the case for many of the 12,175 people in the Börde district who live with a disability. Around 1000 of them find work in the workshops for disabled people.

The workshop for disabled people (WfbM) is a facility for people with disabilities to participate in working life. Those affected who, due to the nature or severity of their disability, are not, not yet or not yet again able to work in the general labour market, receive appropriate vocational training and employment in various areas of work here. Individualised support is an important part of the workshop service.

The workshops enable people with disabilities to develop, increase or regain their abilities and earn a wage. In the exhibition "Seeing with Many Eyes", people with and without disabilities from Saxony-Anhalt are portrayed and tell authentic life stories with depth.

They talk about courage and confidence, about love and affection, about strengths and talents - each from their own individual perspective. As a visitor, you will learn exciting things about special abilities and dreams, about the little things in everyday life and visions for the future: "Workshop".

The exhibition was initiated by the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen Sachsen-Anhalt e.V (LAG WfbM Sachsen-Anhalt), which works together with associations and political representatives at state and national level.

In the exhibition you can find out what pleasure enhancer, author, work fan, sound specialist, ambassador, chairperson, contemporary witness and visionary have in common: A personal relationship with a workshop for disabled people. The individual experiences of the 22 personalities with workshops for disabled people open up and broaden the view of these workshops and of people with disabilities. Stories that give a new perspective, stimulate reflection but also radiate confidence and strength.

The Local Participation Management of the district of Börde is pleased to present this travelling exhibition in the foyer of the district administration office in Haldensleben, Bornsche Str. 2, from 4 November to 15 November 2024.

We cordially invite you to get to know these personal experiences through their eyes and thus gain an insight into the lives of those affected. Further information on the campaign and exhibition can be found on the website:

Last update: 24.01.2025 13:12 Uhr