Official Trichinae examinations of wild game in the Landkreis Börde

Meat hygiene, examination of game meat for trichinae

According to the Animal Food Monitoring Ordinance (TierLMÜV) and the Animal Food Hygiene Ordinance (TierLMHV), the meat of wild boar, badger and other wild animals that may be carriers of trichinae must be examined for infestation with trichinae before it can be further processed.

Below, you can find out the result of the test sample you submitted based on the game origin number. The data is updated every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

In case of a positive result, further examinations are necessary, therefore no publication takes place. In this case we will contact you immediately.

In addition to this information, you will receive the results and a cost notification of 9.30 EUR by mail.


Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Kurierdienst aus organisatorischen Gründen spätestens um 10:00 Uhr die Trichinenproben am Standort in Oschersleben abholt.


Current findings of the trichinae examination

Wildmark number Date of capture Date of examination Findings
ST0288417 17.02.2023 20.02.2023 negativ
U959421 19.02.2023 22.02.2023 negativ
ST2940523 12.02.2023 22.02.2023 negativ
ST0058719 21.02.2023 22.02.2023 negativ
ST0060012 16.02.2023 22.02.2023 negativ
JVV192008 18.02.2023 22.02.2023 negativ
ST0359309 - not specified - 22.02.2023 negative
ST0177238 22.02.2023 24.02.2023 negativ
ST0177237 22.02.2023 24.02.2023 negativ
0584820 20.02.2023 24.02.2023 negativ
ST0396469 21.02.2023 24.02.2023 negativ
ST0148074 21.03.2025 24.03.2025 negativ
ST0433791 22.03.2025 24.03.2025 negativ
ST0385173 22.03.2025 24.03.2025 negativ
ST0422322 21.03.2025 24.03.2025 negativ
ST0078113 24.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
0584825 23.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
STU846410 25.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
ST0395859 21.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
ST0149460 22.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
JL4554522 24.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
ST001307 23.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
ST001317 22.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ
ST3657749 24.03.2025 26.03.2025 negativ