Regional management for integrated rural development
According to the state development plan of Saxony-Anhalt, the rural area is to be developed as a living and economic space with independent significance. It makes a significant contribution to the overall development of the state of Saxony-Anhalt due to its large land potential through the production of food and raw materials in agriculture and forestry.
The guidelines drawn up by the state guidelines for the development of rural areas in Saxony-Anhalt state that in the interest of equal living conditions, sustainable, i.e. economically, socially and ecologically balanced development must also be ensured in rural areas. The aim is to underpin the development of rural areas with instruments and measures, independent of existing support measures or funds, and to promote civic engagement. This results in priority topics such as improving economic strength, reversing migration from villages, strengthening municipal services of general interest, and forward-looking nature conservation and environmental protection.
The basis for achieving these goals is provided by the Integrated Rural Development Concepts (ILEK), which have been drawn up throughout Saxony-Anhalt. In September 2014, the ILEK of the Magdeburg region (Landkreis Börde, Jerichower Land and the state capital Magdeburg) was adopted.
Guideline for integrated rural development of the federal government
On the basis of an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, a development strategy was drawn up with the broad participation of municipalities, authorities, companies, associations and societies, with the following five priorities:
Creation of jobs by strengthening the economic power
Reduction of migration, in particular of young people from the villages Adaptation of the
Infrastructure for the provision of public services and preservation of the typical character of the villages
Competence development and motivation
Modern nature conservation in cooperation with tourism, agriculture and forestry
The strategy was underpinned by 30 concrete development goals and 16 priority lead projects. Now the task is to implement the lines of action, development goals and lead projects of the ILEK into reality. This process is actively supported by the Landkreis Börde. With the realization of the objectives of the ILEK, synergy effects are to be achieved, opportunities are to be used and new potentials for the development of the rural area are to be developed with the involvement of the regional actors. For this reason, the cross-sectional task of regional management was set up in the building regulations office of the Landkreis Börde after the district reform took effect. Since the ILEK was set up for the Magdeburg region, the activities for its implementation always refer to this region as a whole. This is achieved through coordinated cooperation with the partners in the ILE region. A particularly close networking takes place with the local action groups of the Leader initiatives. Thorough structural analyses of the constantly changing framework conditions are a prerequisite for goal-oriented action. The coordination and bundling of initiatives and projects, the interaction between municipal and state administrative institutions and regional actors are becoming increasingly important. By these activities the available means are to be used purposefully to support the sustainable development of the rural area of the Landkreis Börde and the ILE region Magdeburg. All actors involved in integrated rural development or planning to do so in the future are cordially invited to cooperate with the regional management.