Fields of activity/areas belonging to the office
Subject area integration assistance Head of department: Ms. Gabriele Böttcher
Subject area benefits according to SGB XII Acting area manager: Mr. Karschunke-Wolff
Housing allowance Area manager: Ms. Kerstin Thunert
Foreigners and citizenship matters Area Manager: Mr. Daniel Görges
Benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) Acting Area manager: Mr. René Schneider
Information on the benefits from 01.01.2020 in the previous inpatient facilities of integration assistance for residents and carers of people with disabilities
With the Federal Participation Act, the legislator has redesigned the benefits of integration assistance from 01.01.2020. This is intended to strengthen the self-determination of people with disabilities. The financing of the benefits to which they are entitled continues to be secured. The integration assistance provider assumes the costs of living and integration assistance to the extent that they cannot be borne by income and assets themselves.
What will change in the case of inpatient integration assistance?
As of 01.01.2020, the specialist benefits and the subsistence benefits will be provided separately.
Integration assistance (specialist services according to SGB IX)
- Care
- Support
- Accompaniment
Benefits for subsistence (subsistence benefits according to SGB XII)
- Housing
- Heating
- Standard rate of standard needs level 2 (for food/nutrition, clothing, personal hygiene, cash, etc.)
The term "inpatient facility" is replaced by the term "special form of housing". The services for living expenses (e.g. accommodation, meals, etc.) agreed in the housing and care contract will be invoiced to your cared-for person by the service provider. Insofar as benefits are currently still transferred to the supra-local social welfare agency for your care recipient (this is the case, for example, with pensions, housing benefit, accident benefit), these benefits will be paid to the personal current account of the benefit recipient as of 01.01.2020. The above-mentioned personal current account will also be used to transfer the benefits for subsistence (living benefits). As an exception, there is the possibility that you agree to a direct transfer to the benefit provider.
Important to know
Additional requirements for lunch according to § 42b Abs.2 SGB XII
If you participate in a common lunch (e.g. in the workshop for disabled people), you have the possibility to apply for additional needs for lunch from 01.01.2020. Please submit an application at the same time as the application for benefits for subsistence.
Notes and information for integration assistance
You will receive the benefits of integration assistance according to SGB IX exclusively upon written application (application requirement according to § 108 SGB IX). The benefits are limited in time. You can find out the period of approval from your notice of approval. After the end of the approval period, you will only receive benefits if you submit a new application. If you also need benefits for basic security in accordance with SGB XII (benefits to secure your livelihood, such as housing costs, living expenses, daily necessities), you should also submit an application for this. The benefits are again limited in time. If you wish to continue to receive benefits for basic security, a new application is also necessary before the end of the approval period.
You can download the application forms here: