
European elections 2024: Application deadline for Germans abroad and citizens of other EU countries ends on 19 May

PRESS RELEASE of the Federal Returning Officer

No. 21 from 06.05.2024


European Election 2024: Application deadline for Germans living abroad and citizens of other EU member states ends on 19 May

WIESBADEN - Germans living abroad and citizens of other European Union (EU) member states living in Germany who wish to vote here have until 19 May 2024 to apply to be entered in the voters' register. According to the Federal Returning Officer, all eligible voters for the European elections will also receive their polling card by this date. This will also indicate the polling station where they can cast their vote on 9 June 2024.

The full press release can be found on the Federal Returning Officer's website at

Last update: 16.05.2024 13:44 Uhr